The national conference and exposition for the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) is right around the corner and Transland is looking forward to another great opportunity to visit with operators who come to the show from around the world.
The convention is being held in Savannah, Georgia December 7 through 10, 2015.
Make sure you stop by our booth and see the talk of the industry – the Transland 7 1/2″ Gate Box! You will be able to see for yourself how fast and easy the touchscreen computer controller is to operate. Additionally, we’ll be showing the Electric Release Brake (ERB) and the Meterate. The redesigned CP-03 and CP-09 Nozzle body will also be on display so you can see for yourself how much stronger and better we have made these popular nozzles.
For many years, CP Products has sponsored a well-attended breakfast at the NAAA conference. This year is no exception. We are pleased to feature Dr. Scott Bretthauer (pictured at right), well known pesticide application specialist from the University of Illinois. Scott will have an informative briefing on the latest industry news and trends.
Bretthauer is an Extension Specialist in Application Technology with the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Scott is a member of the Pesticide Safety Education Program and provides technical assistance on application equipment, nozzle selection and usage, drift mitigation technologies, and sprayer calibration. Scott works with both aerial and ground applications. He is an Operation S.A.F.E. analyst and conducts the aerial application fly-ins for Illinois and Wisconsin.
The breakfast is free and will be at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 in the Westin Savannah, Grand Ballroom C.
As always Transland management, customer service and engineering staff will be in the booth to help you with your questions or listen to your ideas for new products!